How to protect peas from pests?

Peas are a favorite garden crop among gardeners. However, unfortunately, this plant is often attacked by various pests. Controlling them is an important task to ensure a good harvest. In this article, we’ll look at effective methods to protect peas from the most common pests.

Preventing Problems

Effective ways to prevent pest problems when growing peas:

Soil Preparation

  • Thoroughly dig and loosen the soil before sowing peas. This will help destroy pupae and nests of pests that may be overwintering there.
  • Remove and burn plant residues from the previous season where pests may be hiding.
  • Enrich the soil with organic fertilizers such as compost or manure to strengthen plants and make them more resistant to pest attacks.

Crop Rotation

  1. Don’t grow peas in the same plot every year. Practice crop rotation, leaving 3-4 years between pea plantings in the same location.
  2. Avoid planting peas after other legume crops such as beans or soybeans, as they may have common pests.

Variety Selection

  • Choose pea varieties resistant to common pests in your region.
  • Prefer early-maturing varieties that can ripen before the period of activity of some pests.

Sanitary Measures

  1. Regularly inspect pea plantings for pests or signs of their presence.
  2. Immediately remove and destroy affected plants to prevent the spread of pests.
  3. After harvesting, thoroughly clean the area of plant debris.

Following these preventive measures will help minimize the risks of pest appearance on your pea plantings and reduce the need to use insecticides or other chemical protection means.

Protection from Pea Aphids

Pea aphids are one of the most harmful enemies of peas. These small insects suck sap from plants and transmit viral infections. To combat them, take the following measures:

  • Set up yellow sticky traps to catch aphids.
  • Spray plants with a natural soap solution.
  • Maintain proper watering; aphids attack healthy plants less.
  • In extreme cases, use insecticides based on pyrethrin or neem oil.

Fighting Caterpillars

Caterpillars of various moth species can quickly eat all the above-ground parts of peas. Regularly inspect plantings and take action when caterpillars appear:

  1. Collect caterpillars by hand, especially in the morning or evening when they’re easy to spot.
  2. Set up pheromone traps to catch moths.
  3. Use biological insecticides based on baculoviruses.
  4. As a last resort, apply chemical insecticides against caterpillars.

Protection from Pea Mites

Pea mites are small but very harmful enemies. They suck sap from leaves and create webby threads, causing plants to lose turgor. Effective measures include:

  • Spray plants with a suspension of kaolin or mustard powder for protection.
  • Use acaricides (mite-killing preparations) based on sulfur.
  • Set up yellow sticky traps that repel mites.
  • Destroy plant residues after harvest where mites may overwinter.

Other Pests and General Recommendations

In addition to those mentioned above, peas may be threatened by pests such as rodents, pea weevils, thrips, and cutworms. Generally, follow these tips:

  1. Regularly inspect plantings, and respond to the first signs of pests.
  2. Use entomophagy (beneficial insects) for biological protection.
  3. Alternate different protection methods, don’t use the same preparation constantly.
  4. Follow safety rules when using chemical means.
  5. Maintain soil in proper condition; healthy plants are more resistant to pests.
Video from YouTube channel: “Gardening Australia”

Protecting pets from pests requires careful monitoring and a comprehensive approach. Timely preventive measures, the use of natural means, beneficial insects, and other methods will help preserve the harvest without harming the environment.

Pea Protection Scheme from Biological Threats: Pests, Diseases, Weeds in 2024

Treatment Period Product Name Purpose Application Rate Water Usage
Seed treatment before sowing Euronorm Rizo Inoculation 1.8-2.7 lbs/ton 2.6 gal/ton
Ultrafit + Humat List Root rot, seed mold, bacteriosis 0.26 gal/ton + 0.26 gal/ton
Supervin Seed mold, gray and brown rot 0.48 gal/ton
Kanonir Ultra Complex of ground and soil pests 0.11-0.13 gal/ton
Before sowing Glifovit Annual and perennial broadleaf and grass weeds 1.3-1.7 gal/acre 21.4-32.1 gal/acre
Before emergence Propazox Annual broadleaf and grass weeds 0.85-1.3 gal/acre
Emergence Kanonir Duo Aphids, thrips, weevils 0.02-0.06 gal/acre
1-3 trifoliate leaves Oreol Maxi Annual and perennial grass weeds 0.26-0.51 gal/acre
Alpha-Bentazon Annual broadleaf weeds 0.64-1.28 gal/acre
Carbezim Powdery mildew, anthracnose, rust 0.21 gal/acre
Budding-Flowering Kanonir Duo Aphids, thrips, weevils 0.02-0.06 gal/acre
Fosorgan Duo Thrips, cutworms, soybean pod borer 0.21-0.43 gal/acre
Polygard + Azoxin Anthracnose, rust, powdery mildew, downy mildew, septoria 0.34-0.43 gal/acre + 0.17-0.26 gal/acre
Bio Bor 140 Nutrition corrector 0.43 gal/acre
Knockout Extra Complex insecticide 0.02-0.04 gal/acre
Ripening Registan Desiccation 0.85-1.28 gal/acre 21.4-42.8 gal/acre

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What pests damage pea crops?

Pea crops are damaged by several main pests. The most dangerous is considered to be the pea weevil (or seed beetle), which appears at the beginning of flowering and can significantly reduce the quality and germination of the grain. Significant damage is also caused by pea leaf weevils, pea aphids, and other phytophagous insects that can damage various parts of the plant from roots to pods.

What is the yield of peas?

The yield of peas can vary significantly depending on growing conditions and technology. Modern pea varieties have a potential grain yield ranging from 4,460 to 4,910 lbs/acre. However, in production conditions, yields often fluctuate between 1,430 to 1,960 lbs/acre. By adhering to all elements of cultivation technology, it’s possible to obtain a yield 1.5 to 2.0 times higher than with simplified technology.

What natural methods exist for controlling pea pests?

Natural methods for controlling pea pests include using beneficial insects such as ladybugs, which eat aphids. You can also use natural insecticides, for example, solutions based on soap or garlic, to spray plants.

How to properly treat peas against pests with chemical preparations?

Treatment of peas with chemical preparations should be carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions, following recommended dosages and timing. It’s important to treat plants in windless weather and use personal protective equipment to prevent contact with chemicals.

When is it best to treat peas against pests?

The best time to treat peas against pests is in the early morning or evening hours when the temperature is lower and insect activity is less. This reduces the risk of burns on plants and increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

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